Another Accreditation to Add to the List!


Beamfast Limited is delighted to announce that it has recently achieved BRONZE accreditation with the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) for Transport of London.

This enables us to operate on FORS construction sites throughout London.

Becoming FORS accredited will allow us to Improve Road Safety, Reduce Fines, Reduce Fuel Emissions and Secure Future Work.

You can find our FORS accreditation status on the FORS Website



We have successfully gained the RISQS accreditation for the second year running.

RISQS, formerly known as Achilles Link-up, has been developed to provide a service for the qualification of suppliers for all products and services that are procured by the industry.

RISQS supports Network Rail, LUL/Transport for London, passenger, light rail and freight train operators, rolling stock organisations, main infrastructure contractors and other rail products and service providers in the management of supply chain risk.

Registered in England No: 2142073

VAT Reg No: 471 8914 20

Contact Us

Unit F Forest Industrial Park, Forest Road, Hainault, Essex IG6 3HL

020 8502 7700

020 8502 7725